Gretchen Anderson
Concept Ideation and IxD
Early on in the interaction design process comes a scary, but thrilling point, when you have to turn your hard won insights about what users want and need into solutions that will delight. This is often the moment where good ideas either "make the grade" or are retired to a dark corner. This session will discuss approaches to generating and communicating IxD concepts that meet user needs, and that get past project stakeholders. Questions to consider when generating concepts include: What should be solved for at this point? What level of detail is appropriate? And, most importantly, how can the "big idea" be expressed meaningfully?
Gretchen Anderson is the Director, Interaction Design at Lunar Design in San Francisco. Her experience working in firms that do both Industrial and Interaction Design has taught her that getting ideas through the concept phase is a difficult, but crucial stage to successful product design. Gretchen was educated at Harvard and has worked in the design industry for 13 years creating unique products and experiences- from medical products and consumer electronics, to enterprise software applications and consumer websites. Her clients include Starbucks, Virgin Records, HP, Microsoft, Intel, Pelco and Johnson & Johnson.
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