Jonathan Arnowitz
Effective Prototyping Methods
A talk with Michael Arent, VP of User Experience, SAP Labs. Prototyping is often seen as a monolithic endeavor performed in two ways- LoFi and HiFi with one tool. As reflected in our book Effective Prototyping for Software Makers we believe any software tool is a potential software tool and there are a wide variety of prototyping methods (some 17 and still counting). The lighting session would entail a quick demo of different easy to use prototyping tools (Jonathan) and a demonstration of the various prototyping methods (Michael). The session can also plan a Master Class where people can show their own prototypes, or prototyping issues and discuss how these can be strategically resolved instead of just pragmatically.
Jonathan Arnowitz Jonathan, User Experience Architect for SAP Labs, is also the co-editor-in-chief of Interactions magazine. In addition to over 15 years experience designing and prototyping user experiences, Jonathan is also active in the HCI community and has served on the ACM/SIGCHI Executive Committee; the founder of the DUX Conference Series as well as co-chair of the Design track at CHI2008. Jonathan is co-author with Michael Arent of the book, Effective Prototyping.
Michael Arent Michael is currently the Director of User Interface Architecture at SAP Labs in Palo Alto, California. His team defines and manages the user interface standards and guidelines that ensure consistency and quality in the user interface and user experience of SAP software solutions. Prior to SAP, Michael has had a distinguished career as a manager and individual design contributor with such major companies as PeopleSoft, Adobe Systems, MetaDesign, Sun Microsystems, and Apple Computer.
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